Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to access the database management web interfaces in odoo v8

Just use this url and access Odoo database management online interfaces

As you access the web interface, you can create, dulplicate, drop, backup or restore databases there. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Config postgresql to use pgAdmin from remote client

When I complete Odoo installation, I want to use pgAdminIII to connect to the database from a client computer, I encountered this error:

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

To fix the issue, First:

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf 

You need to add the following line in the config files, this change will not open your server to any computer though, you have opportunity to define which client(s) can access server later.

listen_addresses = '*'

Then: you will define which client(s) can access server here:

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

Add the following line in the config files, in this case is the client computer.

host   all             all             md5

Now you can use pgAdminIII from a client computer to access the database.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pivot Query

Pivot Query (this is for Oracle Database)
A pivot query is when you want to take some data such as:

C1        C2      C3 
-----     -----   ------  
a1        b1      x1      
a1        b1      x2      
a1        b1      x3      

and you would like to display it as:

C1        C2      C3(1)   C3(2)  C3(3)
-----     -----   ------  -----  ----
a1        b1      x1      x2     x3

Basically it turning rows into columns. For example taking the distinct jobs within a department and 
making them be columns so the output would look like:

DEPTNO     JOB_1     JOB_2     JOB_3
---------- --------- --------- ---------

instead of

---------- ---------
        10 CLERK
        10 MANAGER
        10 PRESIDENT
        20 ANALYST
        20 CLERK
        20 MANAGER
        30 CLERK
        30 MANAGER
        30 SALESMAN

I'm going to show two examples for pivots. The first will be another implementation of the 
preceding question. The second shows how to pivot any result set in a generic fashion and gives you 
a template for doing so.

In the first case let's say you wanted to show the top 3 salary earners in each department as 
COLUMNS. That is  the query would return exactly 1 row per department and the row would have 4 
columns  the DEPTNO, the name of the highest paid employee in the department, the name of the next 
highest paid and so on. Using this new functionality  this is almost easy (before these functions 
 this was virtually impossible):

ops$tkyte@DEV816> select deptno,
  2             max(decode(seq,1,ename,null)) highest_paid,
  3             max(decode(seq,2,ename,null)) second_highest,
  4             max(decode(seq,3,ename,null)) third_highest
  5    from ( SELECT deptno, ename,
  6                  row_number() OVER
  7                     (PARTITION BY deptno
  8                          ORDER BY sal desc NULLS LAST ) seq
  9             FROM emp )
 10  where seq <= 3
 11  group by deptno
 12  /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        10 KING       CLARK      MILLER
        20 SCOTT      FORD       JONES
        30 BLAKE      ALLEN      TURNER

That simply created an inner result set that had a sequence assigned to employees BY DEPTNO in 
order of SAL. The decode in the outer query keeps only rows with sequences 1, 2, or 3 and assigns 
them to the correct "column". The group by gets rid of the redundant rows and we are left with our 
collapsed result.  It may be easier to understand what I mean by that if you see the result set 
without the group by and max:

scott@TKYTE816> select deptno,
  2             (decode(seq,1,ename,null)) highest_paid,
  3             (decode(seq,2,ename,null)) second_highest,
  4             (decode(seq,3,ename,null)) third_highest
  5    from ( SELECT deptno, ename,
  6                  row_number() OVER
  7                     (PARTITION BY deptno
  8                          ORDER BY sal desc NULLS LAST ) seq
  9             FROM emp )
 10  where seq <= 3
 11  /

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        10 KING
        10            CLARK
        10                       MILLER
        20 SCOTT
        20            FORD
        20                       JONES
        30 ALLEN
        30            BLAKE
        30                       MARTIN

9 rows selected.

The MAX aggregate function will be applied by the GROUP BY column DEPTNO.  In any given DEPTNO 
above only one row will have a non null value for HIGHTEST_PAID, the remaining rows in that group 
will always be NULL.  The MAX function will pick out the non-null row and keep that for us.  Hence 
the group by and MAX will collapse our result set, removing the NULL values from it and giving us 
what we want.

In general, if you have a table T with columns C1, C2 and you would like to get a result like:

C1     C2(1)   C2(2)  ….  C2(N)

Where column C1 is to stay "cross record" and column C2 will be pivoted to be "in record"  the 
values of C2 are to become columns instead of rows you will generate a query of the form:

Select c1
       max(decode(rn,1,c2,null)) c2_1,
       max(decode(rn,2,c2,null)) c2_2,
       max(decode(rn,N,c2,null)) c2_N
  from ( select c1, c2 
                row_number() over ( partition by C1
                                    order by ) rn
           from T
 group by C1 

. In the above example, C1 was simply DEPTNO and C2 was ENAME.  Since we ordered by SAL DESC, the 
first three columns we retrieved where the top three paid employees in that department (bearing in 
mind that if four people made the top three, we would of course lose one).

The second example is a more generic "I want to pivot my result set".  Here, instead of having a 
single column C1 to anchor on and a single column C2 to pivot  we'll look at the more general case 
where C1 is a set of columns as is C2.  As it turns out, this is very similar to the above.  
Suppose you want to report by JOB and DEPTNO the employees in that job and their salary.  The 
report needs to have the employees going ACROSS the page as columns however, not down the page  
the same with their salaries.  Additionally, the employees need to appear from left to right in 
order of their salary.  The steps would be:

scott@TKYTE816> select max(count(*)) from emp group by deptno, job;


That tells us the number of columns, now we can generate the query:

scott@TKYTE816> select deptno, job,
  2         max( decode( rn, 1, ename, null )) ename_1,
  3         max( decode( rn, 1, sal, null )) sal_1,
  4         max( decode( rn, 2, ename, null )) ename_2,
  5         max( decode( rn, 2, sal, null )) sal_2,
  6         max( decode( rn, 3, ename, null )) ename_3,
  7         max( decode( rn, 3, sal, null )) sal_3,
  8         max( decode( rn, 4, ename, null )) ename_4,
  9         max( decode( rn, 4, sal, null )) sal_4
 10    from (  select deptno, job, ename, sal,
 11                   row_number() over ( partition by deptno, job
 12                                           order by sal, ename ) rn
 13              from emp
 14             )
 15  group by deptno, job
 16  /

------ --------- ------  ----- --------- ----- ---------- ----- ------ -----
    10 CLERK     MILLER   1300
    10 MANAGER   CLARK    2450
    10 PRESIDENT KING     5000
    20 ANALYST   FORD     3000 SCOTT      3000
    20 CLERK     SMITH     800 ADAMS      1100
    20 MANAGER   JONES    2975
    30 CLERK     JAMES      99
    30 MANAGER   BLAKE      99
    30 SALESMAN  ALLEN      99 MARTIN       99 TURNER        99 WARD      99

9 rows selected.

In general, to pivot a result set, we can generalize further.  If you have a set of columns C1, C2, 
C3, … CN and you want to keep columns C1 .. Cx cross record (going down the page) and Cx+1 … CN 
in record (across the page), you can:

Select C1, C2, … CX,
       max(decode(rn,1,C{X+1},null)) cx+1_1,…max(decode(rn,1,CN,null)) CN_1
       max(decode(rn,2,C{X+1},null)) cx+1_2,…max(decode(rn,1,CN,null)) CN_2
       max(decode(rn,N,c{X+1},null)) cx+1_N,…max(decode(rn,1,CN,null)) CN_N
  from ( select C1, C2, … CN
                row_number() over ( partition by C1, C2, … CX
                                    order by ) rn
           from T
 group by C1, C2, … CX

In the example, we used C1, C2 = DEPTNO, JOB and C3, C4 = ENAME, SAL

One other thing we must know is the MAXIMUM number of rows per partition we anticipate. This will 
dictate the number of columns we will be generating. Without it  we cannot pivot. SQL needs to 
know the number of columns and there is no way around that fact. That leads us into the next more 
generic  example of pivoting. If we do not know the number of total columns until runtime, we'll 
have to use dynamic SQL to deal with the fact that the SELECT list is variable. We can use PL/SQL 
to demonstrate how to do this and end up with a generic routine that can be reused whenever you 
need a pivot. This routine will have the following specification:

scott@TKYTE816> create or replace package my_pkg
  2  as
  3      type refcursor is ref cursor;
  4      type array is table of varchar2(30);
  6      procedure pivot( p_max_cols       in number   default NULL,
  7                       p_max_cols_query in varchar2 default NULL,
  8                       p_query          in varchar2,
  9                       p_anchor         in array,
 10                       p_pivot          in array,
 11                       p_cursor in out refcursor );
 12  end;
 13  /

Package created.

Here, you must send in either P_MAX_COLS or P_MAX_COLS_QUERY.  SQL needs to know the number of 
columns in a query and this parameter will allow us to build a query with the proper number of 
columns.  The value you should send in here will be the output of a query similar to:

scott@TKYTE816> select max(count(*)) from emp group by deptno, job;

That is: it is the count of the discrete values that are currently in ROWS that we will put into 
COLUMNS.  You can either send in the query to get this number, or the number if you already know 

The P_QUERY parameter is simply the query that gathers your data together.  Using the last example 
from above the query would be:

 10    from (  select deptno, job, ename, sal,
 11                   row_number() over ( partition by deptno, job
 12                                           order by sal, ename ) rn
 13              from emp
 14             )

The next two inputs are arrays of column names.  The P_ANCHOR tells us what columns will stay CROSS 
RECORD (down the page) and P_PIVOT states the columns that will go IN RECORD (across the page).  In 
our example from above, P_ANCHOR = ( DEPTNO, JOB ) and P_PIVOT = (ENAME,SAL).  Skipping 
over the implementation for a moment, the entire call put together might look like this:

scott@TKYTE816> variable x refcursor
scott@TKYTE816> set autoprint on

scott@TKYTE816> begin
  2      my_pkg.pivot
  3      ( p_max_cols_query => 'select max(count(*)) from emp 
                                 group by deptno,job',
  4        p_query => 'select deptno, job, ename, sal,
  5                           row_number() over ( partition by deptno, job
  6                                               order by sal, ename ) rn
  7                      from emp a',
  8        p_anchor => my_pkg.array( 'DEPTNO','JOB' ),
  9        p_pivot  => my_pkg.array( 'ENAME', 'SAL' ),
 10        p_cursor => :x );
 11  end;
 12  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

------ --------- ------ ----- ---------- ----- ---------- ----- ------ -----
    10 CLERK     MILLER  1300
    10 MANAGER   CLARK   2450
    10 PRESIDENT KING    5000
    20 ANALYST   FORD    3000 SCOTT       3000
    20 CLERK     SMITH    800 ADAMS       1100
    20 MANAGER   JONES   2975
    30 CLERK     JAMES     99
    30 MANAGER   BLAKE     99
    30 SALESMAN  ALLEN     99 MARTIN        99 TURNER        99 WARD      99

9 rows selected.

As you can see  that dynamically rewrote our query using the generalized template we developed.  
The implementation of the package body is straightforward:

scott@TKYTE816> create or replace package body my_pkg
  2  as
  4  procedure pivot( p_max_cols          in number   default NULL,
  5                   p_max_cols_query in varchar2 default NULL,
  6                   p_query          in varchar2,
  7                   p_anchor         in array,
  8                   p_pivot          in array,
  9                   p_cursor in out refcursor )
 10  as
 11      l_max_cols number;
 12      l_query    long;
 13      l_cnames   array;
 14  begin
 15      -- figure out the number of columns we must support
 16      -- we either KNOW this or we have a query that can tell us
 17      if ( p_max_cols is not null )
 18      then
 19          l_max_cols := p_max_cols;
 20      elsif ( p_max_cols_query is not null )
 21      then
 22          execute immediate p_max_cols_query into l_max_cols;
 23      else
 24          raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot figure out max cols');
 25      end if;
 28      -- Now, construct the query that can answer the question for us...
 29      -- start with the C1, C2, ... CX columns:
 31      l_query := 'select ';
 32      for i in 1 .. p_anchor.count
 33      loop
 34          l_query := l_query || p_anchor(i) || ',';
 35      end loop;
 37      -- Now add in the C{x+1}... CN columns to be pivoted:
 38      -- the format is "max(decode(rn,1,C{X+1},null)) cx+1_1"
 40      for i in 1 .. l_max_cols
 41      loop
 42          for j in 1 .. p_pivot.count
 43          loop
 44              l_query := l_query ||
 45                  'max(decode(rn,'||i||','||
 46                              p_pivot(j)||',null)) ' ||
 47                              p_pivot(j) || '_' || i || ',';
 48          end loop;
 49      end loop;
 51      -- Now just add in the original query
 52      l_query := rtrim(l_query,',')||' from ( '||p_query||') group by ';
 54      -- and then the group by columns...
 56      for i in 1 .. p_anchor.count
 57      loop
 58          l_query := l_query || p_anchor(i) || ',';
 59      end loop;
 60      l_query := rtrim(l_query,',');
 62      -- and return it
 63      execute immediate 'alter session set cursor_sharing=force';
 64      open p_cursor for l_query;
 65      execute immediate 'alter session set cursor_sharing=exact';
 66  end;
 68  end;
 69  /

Package body created.

It only does a little string manipulation to rewrite the query and open a REF CURSOR dynamically.  
In the likely event the query had a predicate with constants and such in it, we set cursor sharing 
on and then back off for the parse of this query to facilitate bind variables (see the section on 
tuning for more information on that).  Now we have a fully parsed query that is ready to be fetched 


I have a tricky turning "columns into rows" predicament...

Here are the steps to set up my problem...

-- TARGET table to store list of account_ids
create table demo_account_list
   account_id number

-- SOURCE table of account_ids
create table demo_account_sources
   acct_1 number
 , acct_2 number
 , acct_3 number
 , acct_4 number

-- Populate the account_id SOURCE table
insert into demo_account_sources values (1,2,3,4);
insert into demo_account_sources values (13,22,433,44261);
insert into demo_account_sources values (10,342,32342,33443);
insert into demo_account_sources values (15,26,737,48);


-- Want to capture only the EVEN account_ids
-- This doesn't work!
insert into demo_account_list
   select acct_1, acct_2, acct_3, acct_4
     from demo_account_sources
    -- Want to load only EVEN account_ids
    where mod(acct_1,2) = 0
       or mod(acct_2,2) = 0
       or mod(acct_3,2) = 0
       or mod(acct_4,2) = 0

Of course, the above query returns this error...
insert into demo_account_list
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00913: too many values

My question is, how can I write this query in such a way that I can select >1 rows yet insert into 
a single column?



Followup   December 20, 2006 - 7pm US/Eastern:

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select decode( r, 1, acct_1, 2, acct_2, 3, acct_3, 4, acct_4 ) acct
  2    from demo_account_sources,
  3         (select 1 r from dual union all select 2 from dual
  4          union all select 3 from dual union all select 4 from dual )
  5  /


16 rows selected.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Import and Export in Odoo V8

In order to be able to export/import we have to go to Settings->Configuration->General settings. check the box "Allow users to import data from CSV files" and apply the change.

Now let's see an example of import/export a product:

Go to any products view and change it to "list view", for some reason Kanban View and Form View do not have import/export as an option.

You will only see "Import" in "list view" if you don't choose any product. For export, first choose some or all products by choose the check box(s) in left, then click "more" button on top of the view, choose "Export" from there.

After click Export, set export type to be "import-compatible Export", choose Export Formats as "CSV".

My suggestion: It's better you check the export file to make sure your import file is based on the columns you need):

To use import to create a new record: 
Although your first field will always be ID, be sure to leave that empty when you are importing so ERP will assign IDs to your items instead of using your items to overwrite the fields on existing items.
when you choose your file to improt be sure to click "file format options", if the encoding is UTF-8 change it to latin1 so it can accept a wider variety of characters like the degree symbol and the like.

So how to load a new product that has multiple variants and variants values? Here is an example(copy those in blue and open as csv file to see better format):

Products / External_id,cost_method,categ_id/id,valuation,name,type,Products / Product Attributs / Attribute,Products / Product Attributs / Product Attribute Value,uom_po_id/id,uom_id/id
,Standard Price,product.ipad,Periodical (manual),iPad Retina Display Duplicate3,Stockable Product,Memory,"16 Go,32 Go",product.product_uom_unit,product.product_uom_unit
,,,,,,Wi-Fi,2.4 GHz,,

I will explain the structure of this a little bit:
Products / External_id will be empty for new product
Products / Product Attributs / Attribute is for attribute
Products / Product Attributs / Product Attribute Value: You can put multiple values there, but when you do that, using comma(,) to seperate values. e.g. "16 Go,32 Go". Odoo will not create new attribute values when import product, you only can put the value existing in Odoo.

Even though it has multiple records for one product, Odoo know how to deal with it. Be sure only the first line has product's other information, and Odoo know the following lines is for the product of first line. And be sure to define the right column mapping information when load the variants' attributes and attributes values.

To use import to update a record: 
The only difference is you need to add a reference so Odoo know that is to update a record, not create a new record. My suggestion is use id from the export to identify the records you need to import, be aware that id is called External_id when you import.

Monday, June 30, 2014

How to disassemble a product in Odoo/OpenErp 8

Our company sells clothes. We wholesale the clothes by box or dozen, a dozen normally has different sizes but one color, and a box has many dozens of different colors. I have created a product (Say Product1) with size and color variants. Now I wonder if I can create 2 new products, 1st is "Dozen of Product1" which includes 12 of Product1 of different sizes, and 2nd is "Box of Product1" with many of "Dozen of Product1". We are only reseller, not manufacturer. 

We need to handle that with the BoM function as we are packing/assembling into a Dozen. Create the individual products 1, 2,3..with the color and sizes. Then create the BOM. Manufacturing order will allow you pack the boxes and store them as complete dozens in the warehouse. This way you can monitor the individual products themselves and dozen packs as well.

The second question is, we may need to open a box and sell them to different customers if needed. so that is, we receive our mechandise in boxes, then sale them in boxes or sale them in dozens, how do we handle these in Odoo? 

It can be done by install the mrp_byproducts module. Then you can define "Dozen of Product1" as component, Product1(small size) as the produced product, and Product1(other sizes) as byproducts. By doing this you actually disassemble the package.